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One Of Our Favourite Clients Will Be Missed

The most interesting part of my pet service business is getting to know my clients and their pets. Dr. Carol Cowell and I Tom Baczynski hit it off right from day one! 
Our conversations were always interesting and I found it fascinating how my clients enjoy providing input on direction or ideas for
my business and future plans.

Carol & Cody



Carol had much history and many stories to tell so with that came wisdom to a young entrepreneur like me. 
Carol's love for the outdoors and animals was forged by a childhood spent in Turner Valley, Alberta. 
Carol graduated from the University of Alberta medical school in 1962 and completed her residency at the University of Toronto where she specialized in obstetrics and gynaecology.  Throughout her career, she was a passionate advocate for women’s health.

In the 1970s, she founded the paediatric and adolescent gynaecology clinic at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children, one of the first programs in North America to recognize the unique needs of adolescent women.  She was a Founding Doctor of the Genesis Foundation, dedicated to the advancement of women’s health.  In 2008 she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Ontario Medical Association in recognition of her many achievements in obstetrics and gynaecology.

I have spent over a year now taking Carol's pup out for walks everyday of the week, Cody and I have built a friendship that is remarkable.

Carol and I spent many days talking about sailing, books, business, dogs and airplanes as Carol had her pilot’s license and I have always dreamt of having one.

On January 22nd, 2011 Carol went out for a drive and unfortunately didn't make it home and soon after I found out that Carol wanted for me to watch over Cody in case something would ever happened to her...

I accepted Cody into my family but most importantly I was delighted that Dr. Cowell had picked me to be Cody's care giver. I can't say that I would have ever seen this coming but rest assured that we are still having a blast playing every day and spending our time together walking the creeks and forests as we have for the last year.

Tom & CodyYour friends Tom & Cody…



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